Mobile Phones and Quick Studies

Spark Your Creativity suggests using several apps and tools to expand your creative reach while documenting photo stories. The assignment becomes one in capturing mood for storytelling about people, places, and things.

En route to Bethesda Terrace, check out the Sailboat Pond in Central Park to encounter many great subjects. Assignment: look up, look down, and look all around. One tip to jumpstart your creative process!

Mobile Phone Photography Central Park | Sailboat Pond | photo: ©2012-2023 roberta fineberg

Mobile Phone Photography Central Park  | photo: ©2012-2021 roberta fineberg

Mobile Phone Photography Central Park | photo: ©2012-2023 roberta fineberg

Mobile Phone Photography Central Park | photo: ©2012-2021 roberta fineberg

Mobile Phone Photography Central Park | photo: ©2012-2023 roberta fineberg