Since 2015, The Photo Experience creativity building sessions have offered smartphone photography coupled with activities such as drawing (on the right side of the brain), private docent-led museum tours, artist studio visits, and gallery walks.

These special programs inspire fresh thinking, experiential learning, personal growth, professional development, and fun!

In a world overwhelmed by information, creativity is no longer a luxury reserved for artists only but also an opportunity for everybody to engage in self-expression across interdisciplinary platforms.

What kinds of art or statements would you like to make? 

Let’s experiment!


PHOTO - ART Culture EXPERIENCE (Photo & Drawing)


10:30 AM - museum location for show and discussion

11:00 AM - 12:00 AM - hands on - the group is led on an experiential photo hunt - part 1

Noon - Review our work and discuss over light lunch. 

High Line Photo Hunt | Chelsea

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM - The photo hunt: Engage in a part II photo assignment; review of work; and wrap up.

Chelsea Photo Hunt

Smartphone Camera Photo Hunt

PHOTO - ART Culture EXPERIENCE (Photo, Drawing, and elective)

10:30 AM -  Meet in a museum, cultural, or gallery space

11:00 AM - Noon - Finding Inspiration Session Exercise #1: drawing techniques adapted for all levels or choose an elective: museum tour, gallery walk, studio visit

Noon - Lunch break

Drawing at the Met

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM - The photo hunt: Engage in a photo assignment; review of work; and wrap up.

MOMA & The MET museum walks

Drawing at the Frick
